Offer Letters for the Sixth Form
If you have applied for a place with us in September 2025, you should receive a letter confirming your place soon!
If you have applied for a place with us in September 2025, you should receive a letter confirming your place soon!
If you wish to join Dene Magna 6th Form in September, please ensure that your application is with us by February 21st.
One to watch out for.... a trip to NEW YORK!
If you are interested in studying at Dene Magna 6th Form from September 2025, we strongly advise that you to submit your application by 14th February 2025 as courses are filling up fast!
Our Sixth Form Applications are now open!
Dene Magna Sixth Form Open Evening – 7th November 2024
We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to 6th Form on Wednesday 4th September. The details of the first day can be viewed below.
6th Form Enrolment Day - 23rd August between 9am and 1pm
Reminder to all Year 12s....
Last call for those wanting to come along to our Taster/Transition Day on 21st June
This offer is open to any new Y12 student (from September 2024) wishing to study A level Science and/or Environmental Science.
Anyone who has applied for a place at Dene Magna 6th Form is invited to join us on Friday 21st June 2024 for our Taster Day.
Dress up and help raise some money for Red Nose Day!
Please join us at the 6th Form Campus on Thursday 22nd February for our next Careers Fair.
Your adventure starts here...
We are delighted to invite our Year 13 students to their Leavers Prom on Friday 21st June 2024.
The event is for ticket holders only and will be held at Hatherley Manor from 6:30pm till late.
Tickets are £35 per student and include a red carpet with drinks on arrival, a 3 course meal and a DJ and dancefloor all night!
Tickets can be purchased from the Sixth Form Office or via Sco Pay online - we hope to see you all there for a fabulous night of fun!
Year 12 students have their first Parents’ Evening on 8th February.
This will take place at the Forest Campus between 4 -7pm.
Appointments are now available to book online. Please log into the Parents Evening portal where you will be able to book time slots with your son/daughters teachers.
We have a Year 13 Parent Information Evening scheduled for Thursday 25th January: 5pm - 6pm in the Main Hall at Dene Magna School, Mitcheldean.
The focus will be on how we go about supporting the students as they head into the final stretch of their courses and how they get prepared for both their exams and life afterwards.
We look forward to seeing all Year 13 parents and students there!
We are thrilled to announce that Somerville College, University of Oxford, will be coming to visit the Sixth Form on 6th March.
08:45am - 10:00am
10:15am - 11:15am
Don't forget to submit your application.
Your 2024 Leavers Hoodie is now available to purchase!
The deadline to sign up for the Naples 2024 trip is approaching fast!
Policing, criminology and forensics Business Breakfast....
Thank you to everyone who came along to our 6th Form Open Evening on 9th November!
Induction Sessions Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th June.
Dear students, parents and carers.
We are now starting to see an emerging picture of what September will look like, so this seems like a good moment to write to you. The government has announced that, with health and safety measures carefully implemented, all students will be returning to school in September. That of course means that here at the Sixth Form we are now looking to get everyone safely back in for their lessons. Things will not be exactly as they were before and you should expect some necessary changes to ensure that all members of our community are kept safe, but our priority will be on helping you to successfully return to your studies and continue with your A-Levels.
Over the coming days we’ll be working hard to put plans into place for this safe return and more details will be published by Mr Brady and shared with you as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for the latest updates on the website and on our social media pages.
A large part of our preparation to return includes reflecting on how everyone has progressed during the lockdown. You’ll be getting your final report of the year sent to you next week and this will be followed up in the final week of the year by an opportunity to meet with your tutor. This ‘Pastoral Week’ is being run across the entire school and it is our intention that every Dene Magna Student, from years 7 to 12 will meet with their tutor, along with their parents, for approximately half an hour. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your lockdown, how you are now and what you will need to focus on in order to be ready for the year ahead. Your tutor will be able to advise you on how to set personal goals and targets; what to work on with your UCAS applications and any alternatives you may have considered; how to approach your EPQ; any concerns you may have about your A-level subjects. What we need you to do is to consult with your parents/carers to make an appointment using the Parents Evening system. We are running the Pastoral Week from Monday 13th to Thursday 16th July and appointments are available until 5pm. For Year 12, these appointments will take place at the Cinderford Campus. If you need any advice or additional information, please contact
I want to take this opportunity to tell you how proud we are of you all. You have worked hard: despite the inevitable struggles with motivation every one of you has kept going and made progress. When I asked staff about nominations for commendations I was overwhelmed by the responses - so many of you have really impressed your teachers with your resilience, determination and maturity.
Lockdown measures are easing, but life isn’t quite back to normal yet, so as ever I wish you all good health - stay sensible, remember to keep your distance and continue to look after each other.
Dear Students,
I hope this letter finds you all well. It’s been a strange couple of weeks here as we go through the process of gradually opening up the school to small groups of students. These last few months have demonstrated just how much schools do, beyond just teaching and learning and for all of us, teachers and students, we realise how much we miss being here. I know from the contact I’ve had from many of you that you feel this too. With this in mind, I wanted to say how much we’re looking forward to you joining us and that we hope it’s a smooth return for everyone: sooner rather than later.
Plans are in place for enrolment to the Sixth Form to take place during results week. Your exam results are formally published on August 20th and as soon as you get these we’ll be in touch with you. The actual process of enrolment will take place at the Forest Campus in Cinderford on the following day, 21st August and we’ll take you through all the paperwork and confirm your course choice with you then. Because there may need to be some social distancing involved, there will be some restrictions in place - we’ll give you plenty of warning about these as we get closer to enrolment. If you have any concerns about your potential grades, or the process of joining the Sixth Form, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us using the details below.
Finally, in order to complete the pre-admission induction process, we’re going to be inviting all our applicants to virtual induction meetings. These have been designed to give you the opportunity to speak with our pastoral team via Google Meet, to discuss your option choices and to address any worries or concerns you may have. In order to take part in this event, we’d like you to register with us, using the details below. The virtual induction sessions will take place on Weds July 1st at 11am and the session will last for about one hour. You will need to be able to access google meet via your DM email account - we will send you a link the day before the session but it’s worth checking that you have access to a computer with sound and a microphone. As a general rule, we ask all our students to keep their cameras turned off and to be muted unless responding to questions and we also record all our ‘Meet’ sessions for safeguarding purposes. We look forward to ‘meeting’ with you next week!
Please register for our virtual induction meetings by Friday 26th June at 3.30pm via email
It’s always busy at the Forest Campus: of course the students continue to work hard on their studies, but also there is an increased sense of looking forward. During the first week back after half term, we welcomed speakers from Worcester Uni who are hosting the UCAS exhibition for the South West Midlands later in March. In their talk they briefed Year 12 on the best way to approach the exhibition - the research into University courses and options that can be done in advance to ensure everyone gets the information they need on the day.
This fortnight has seen the launch of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Mental Health Awareness Day and the start of the focus on applying to Medical School/Veterinary College.