Sixth Form Bulletin (no.2)

Studying and Socialising
It’s been great to see how well the students have settled into life at the Sixth Form. Particularly inspiring has been the focused and positive attitude to lessons, with everyone prepared and willing to participate and integrate. Now that learning is underway, we are working on independent study habits and extra-curricular activities.
School support programme
It’s part of our ethos that the Sixth Form plays a vital role in the wider community and with that in mind, students were preparing this week to head out to provide support in local schools. Many opted to return to their feeder secondary schools while others are headed back to their former primary schools. They will be offering support to class teachers with reading, writing and maths skills. Some are also hoping to assist within their subject areas: supporting in Science, Art and Music.
On Friday, 20th September, the FDMA held the first of their every popular quiz nights and this time they were raising money for the Sixth Form. It was a wonderful event and well supported by both parents, staff and Year 12 students, who despite not winning, provided plenty of fun! Many thanks once again to the Friends of Dene Magna who raised over £500. If you are interested in joining or supporting, please contact the school.
Study sessions
In order to help students organise their time more effectively we have ‘tweaked’ the study support timetables. Doing this ensures that the students balance their directed (taught) hours with their independent learning, a crucial element of success at A-Level. It can be difficult to know how to study independently and so everyone will be receiving guidance on note-taking, research skills and consolidation work. This in turn will help when the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) courses begin in the coming weeks.
Date for your diary
Our Year 12 Parent Information Evening is scheduled for Thursday 24th October at the Forest Campus in Cinderford, from 6pm to 7pm. There will be several short presentations on life at Dene Magna Sixth form, including pastoral support, managing learning and preparing for Higher Education. Refreshments will be provided and parents/carers will get the chance to talk with the pastoral team and with other parents/carers.