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An update from Mr Brady

Morning everyone!

I hope you all managed to have a good weekend?

Only a brief update from me to say that we are looking at the timetable for after Easter. With the loss of P5, this obviously impacts on some lessons so Mr Mitchell has been mapping out alternatives which, if they seem to work we will post out to you all. He is running them by the teachers for their feedback. The aim will be to ensure we have similar numbers of lessons and that the curriculum remains broad.


Lessons are carrying on and I thank you for the feedback on how this has helped.  Staff are busy sharing tips on how to get the best out of working remotely. Obviously this is a very new thing and so we will be making adjustments to ensure that we can all maintain that balance between learning and family commitments. Your patience and support are much appreciated!


With the temperature dropping it will mean more time in the house, so have a look at the next challenge that is being posted today. Mrs DIxon Gough has reminded us that the challenges don't need to be completed in one week (good news for me and my juggling) and they should be a fun way of getting the family together. All KS3 students have three reading books, so please do make sure that they are encouraged to read.  It may have been a while since you read together, so why not grab that opportunity!


We will be contacting parents/carers who will need to use the school childcare provision over Easter to let them know what will be on offer.


That's it for now!

Stay safe and stay positive

Steve Brady