A message FSM parents/carers...
Dear all,
Firstly, I hope that are managing to cope in these very difficult times. It certainly seems to be difficult to get some of the most basic things in for the house and with this, in mind, we have decided to make a second food parcel available to you.
The parcel will be available to collect from Dene Magna School from the following times on Friday 3rd April
If the student's surname is between ie joe smith - collect 1.00-2.00
A-D Collect food parcel 10.00-11.00
E-H 11.00-12.00
J-P 12.00-1.00
R-Z 1.00-2.00
If you cannot make it into school to collect the parcel then can you please contact Peter Adams on 01594545318 or p.adams@denemagna.gloucs.sch.uk.
For those who do come to collect, please be patient with us as we will be ensuring appropriate social distancing and so there may be a queue!
We will be reviewing the scheme after Easter once we see the finer details of the voucher scheme working.
Stay safe and stay positive
Steve Brady