A message regarding Free School Meal vouchers...
Dear Parent/Carer,
For those that don't already know me, my name is Matt Bishop. I am the school's attendance officer & pupil premium champion and I will be administering the FSM vouchers. If you have any enquiries regarding them, please contact me via email on m.bishop@denemagna.gloucs.sch.uk
Thank you for confirming your contact email address details for the free school meal vouchers to be sent directly to you. You may be aware that the value of each voucher is £15, per child, per week. We have now fully set up the system for these vouchers to be issued to you starting next week. You should start to receive voucher codes with next step guidelines on Monday 27th April.
We have decided that it is best to issue vouchers for 2 weeks at a time. The company the Department for Education has decided to use is Eden Red. Where possible, we have been asked to order 1 voucher at a time to cover whatever period and however many children. Eden Red has limits on the value of vouchers being issued. So, depending on how many children you have at Dene Magna will depend on your voucher value.
To help identify what you should receive, please see the below:
1 child = 1 voucher for £30 every 2 weeks
2 children = 1 voucher for £60 every 2 weeks
3 children = 1 voucher for £60 and 1 voucher for £30 voucher every 2 weeks
The scheme has meant that the vouchers will only be able to be used to purchase food and/or groceries at your chosen store. When you receive the voucher code next week, you will need to choose which store you want to be able to spend the voucher at. When you then go to your chosen store, you can use your mobile or a copy of the voucher to cover the cost.
We have been asked to remind parents/carers that the vouchers issued are to cover the cost of a meal for your children each day, in replacement of the meal that they would have received had they been at school. We hope that if this is successful it will replace the need for food parcels and help you. We will, of course, be checking on the success of the voucher role out and do get in touch if you have any difficulties.
I hope this helps explain a bit further how the process will work, but if you have any queries, or do not receive your vouchers by Tuesday 28th April, please let me know and I will look into this for you.
Best wishes