End of term message from Mr Brady
Message from Mr Brady
I cannot believe that this term is nearly over! Being together for just 4 weeks of a term isn’t long enough. I am so proud of the way everyone has responded to the new regime of testing in school and I thank you again for your ongoing support in keeping Dene Magna safe from Covid. With any luck, with the weather turning warmer and more people being vaccinated, we can continue our journey away from lockdown and rediscover a new normal.
At the end of this term we would like to say an enormous thank you and a very sad farewell to Mr Barry Jessop and Mrs Lynne Jones who will both be retiring. We wish them all the best and hope they both pop back to see us from time to time. We look forward to working with Mr Ryan Jones who will be joining us just after Easter. Mr Jones will be focusing on a few of our students who need a little bit of extra coaching due to the constraints they suffered during lockdown.
We have normal lessons up to and including Thursday this week and buses will be here to pick students up at the usual time of 3.05pm. Please remind your daughter/son to bring home all their uniform and kit for washing, we don’t want that hanging around school for a fortnight!
An email went out to all parents/carers on 29th March (a copy of which is also on our website site under latest news) advising you about testing arrangements over Easter. Please note that students should continue to use the Bi-Lateral Covid 19 testing kits over the Easter break and ensure that they conduct a test just before returning to school.
Students in Y11 and Y13 should continue their work to help us provide evidence for awarding grades and your support in this is greatly appreciated.
On behalf of the staff, governors and students, I hope you all have a very happy and restful Easter break. We look forward to seeing all students back in school and ready to learn on Monday 19th April (week B).
Stay safe and enjoy meeting up with one other household (outside!) and seeing friends and members of your family once more. Once again, thank you for your continued support in all that we do at Dene Magna.
Kind regards
Stephen Brady