A Message for Year 10 Parents and Carers
Dear parent/carer,
It is with great pleasure that we are writing to you to inform you of the upcoming Parent/Carer Information Evening for Year 10.
This will take place in the Main Hall at Dene Magna from 5:30 until 6:30 on Thursday 14 October.
We will also be providing some ‘cheese and drinks’ to keep you going before tea!
The aim of the Evening is to give you an overview of expectations and opportunities at KS4 and ensure that you are best prepared to support your daughter/son through their KS4 courses.
We will look at the following areas:
· Overview of KS4, how we communicated with you and what assessment will look like in 2023 (Mr Mitchell)
· Teaching and Learning at KS4 what does it mean to have a GCSE Mindset (Mr Walters)
· The House System at KS4 and leadership opportunities for students (Miss Beale)
· Work Experience (Mr Jones)
· The Sixth Form and future learning (Mrs Balmer)
Thank you for those who responded to our brief survey. In response to which we will run the event as a ‘live’ event and also record input so that those that are unable to make it can still get this vital information.
To get an idea of numbers who will attend in person can you please complete the google form by clicking here.
The evening is aimed at parents/carers and students are not expected to attend. If this creates child care problems then please do bring them along.
We very much look forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Thursday, 07 October 2021