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Admissions and Appeals

Please click below for the Schools Admission Arrangements for 2024 - 2025

In-Year Admissions

If you wish your name to be placed on our school waiting list for any in-year admissions, then please complete this In-Year Admissions form. Please send the completed form to us at Dene Magna, and we will hold a meeting to discuss admission. If a space is not available, your child will be placed on a waiting list. Once a space then becomes available we will follow our Admissions Policy to select the student who we will offer a place to.

If your in-year admission is rejected you may appeal this. You are able to appeal once each academic year.

For any enquiry relating to a Child in Care or children with additional needs, please contact the following, and they will help you liaise with the school.

Head of Inclusion team
Shire Hall, Gloucester

tel: 01452 427255

Charlotte Jones
Access to Learning Manager
Shire Hall, Gloucester

tel: 01452 425 529