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Welcome A level maths students. 

What a great subject choice you’ve made – an A level in Maths opens many career doors and results in higher salaries across a variety of careers. However, the reason it is so desirable is that it's not easy, and businesses know that anyone who has achieved a good grade has worked hard and wrestled through some tricky concepts.

The course is rewarding, but the packed 2 year curriculum means that we jump straight in and get going with new concepts from day one, and we strongly encourage students not to fall behind at any point else it will feel overwhelming. 

The course picks up where GCSE knowledge ends, so if you're starting with us in September you will need to be competent with GCSE Algebra, statistics, graphs/charts and velocity/speed calculations.  The course is split into 3 distinct topics (taught by different teachers); Pure Maths, Statistics and Mechanics and our approach is to split statistics and mechanics into termly chunks to maximise the allocated lesson times.

In order to prepare, it is essential that students complete the bridging work below (and you will be asked to produce evidence within the first few lessons). If you would like access over the summer to our GCSE website called MathsWatch (with self teach videos and practice questions) to test or refresh your GCSE knowledge, please let us know.

Have a good summer, and we look forward to meeting you in September, raring to go!

Contact: Mr Manns (KS5 Lead Maths Teacher)    Email:

Contact: Mr Jones (Head of Maths)    Email: