Update from Mr Brady (10/07/2020)
Dear parent/carer,
Well, it looks like we have reached the final week of the school year and rather than make this a long update, I will be sending out a more detailed end of year letter to you during next week.
It has been great welcoming more students and staff back into school. Staff have been able to host meetings and training sessions and this has enabled us to look at how the school might run in September.
Next week is absolutely vital for us. Having the pastoral week will enable us to find out more about your lockdown experience, as well as giving you more feedback on the progress your daughter/son has made. Of course, it will also allow you to ask questions regarding September and we will be providing you with bridging units of work to ensure that our students are not part of this lost generation that the press keeps talking about.
If you have not made an appointment then please do that right away. If you don't know how to do that, just give us a call at school and we can do that for you. Remember that you will be met by familiar faces when you arrive and you will be shown where to go to school. There will be facilities to wash/sanitise and we have arranged the appointments so that we can minimise the mixing of adults and we will be asking that you comply with social distancing whilst on site.
Our aim is that by Friday there will be a published parent and student guide to what life will be like in Dene Magna from September. They will be available online for you to read, but we will be using next week as a way to get the most up to date contact information for you, so if you need this information on paper, please let us know. We will send an alert to let you know when these guides are online.
Although we hope that next week reassures you about what comes next, we know that some of you may still have questions about September. We are working very hard to ensure we can offer a broad and balanced curriculum, including practical subjects and we thank you for bearing with us while we make those plans a safe reality! If you are buying equipment and uniform then please continue to buy all that is needed as we will be running all of our lessons.
Our safeguarding commitment continues, and as always, I would urge you to contact us by phone, or using the safuguarding@ email address if you need our help.
I will send out my traditional end of term letter next week and this will have more information on the wider elements of school life. I will also mention that any changes that need to be made over the summer, will be communicated to you well in advance of our return.
For now, we are so excited to be seeing you all next week and even more excited about welcoming everyone back to school in September. As a school community, you have been amazing in helping each other and in supporting what we have tried to do to ensure that our students do not get left behind.
Thank you for your continued support and see you next week!
Stay safe, we are nearly there.
Steve Brady