Weekly update from Mr Brady (4/12/20)
Please read the latest update from Mr Brady...
Dear Parents/Carers,
Just a quick update from us at the end of the week.
As it stands, we are delighted to be welcoming Y9 back to school next week, which means we will be back to full strength! We have nearly all our staff back now and we are really looking forward to pushing on to the last few weeks of term. It really does hit home how much we miss each other when they are not there. This goes for students and staff.
Many thanks for all of your support in the remote learning and for your help during these last few, difficult weeks. It means the world to us to know that our community is so supportive of the decisions we take. If you have borrowed a Chromebook then we would really appreciate that coming back in next week as students will need to use them in class.
The tree is up in school and our sixth form students have been decorating their tutor room doors. It seems the festive spirit has really caught hold and I am sure that many of you have been putting your decorations up early this year. Maybe Christmas is the tonic we all need!
It was great to hear students belting out their renditions of Jingle Bells as part of our house competition. I never knew that it could be sung in so many different keys, but I am looking forward to Miss Burt recording the house champions for our final.
Sometime next week you will receive the programme for the last week of term and we are delighted to be able to offer the Christmas lunch as part of this. Tickets are on sale now!
Stay safe and positive.
Steve Brady