A Message to Year 11 Parents and Carers
To all Year 11 Parents/Carers,
Firstly a huge thank you for all your support in keeping the school going. It is so important that we maximise every minute of learning for Year 11, hence our decision to get all students into online lessons straight away from Tuesday 5th Jan. We are all well versed in doing this now and will follow the timetable as normal (it is Week B). I know that teachers are looking forward to seeing them all again.
Here is some specific information for Year 11s, following on from Mr Brady's email.
The first week back also includes our Parent/Carers Evening, on Thursday 7/1/21. This will go ahead as planned, as an online event. We will be following up appointments during the week, if you are having problems making appointments then please contact reception and they can go through the system with you.
Thursday is also our 'Trial Results Day'. We will still publish results on that Thursday (so that you have them for Parent/Carers Evening) and they will be emailed to students at 9 am on Thursday 7 January. Tutors will then be available during RFL to chat to students if necessary.
Thank you again for getting your daughter/son back into the routine for Tuesday morning. They must log on to the RFL session at 9 am for a quick hello and this will give them a chance to clarify anything with their tutors.