Change to the day on Friday 26th February
Changes to the day this Friday...
Dear Parent/Carer
Following on from my message yesterday, the staff will need to use this Friday (26th Feb), from P3 onwards to start the process of getting the school classrooms ready for our return to school. This will include the movement of books and equipment back to classrooms, as well as ensuring we have updated signage, displays and information so that we can adequately support the students and staff on our return. It will be quite an undertaking!
Work will be set by teachers for P3,4 and 5 on Friday, it will just be that the teachers will not be leading the live lessons.
As I am sure you will appreciate, this will involve quite a bit of movement and it will also be the first time in a long while that all of the staff will be in the school.
We will also be requiring a slot next week to finalise things, but I will let you know in advance of that.
Any students in school will continue to be supported in their learning, so please do not worry about that. They will also be allowed to stay in school for the normal day and will have in class support.
Many thanks for your support and understanding...nearly there!
Steve Brady