Information about the School Website
We would like to draw your attention to our school website. There is a wealth of information here and there are three specific areas we would like to highlight to you and invite you to take a look at them.
Firstly is the curriculum area. This is now the front, square and centre of the website. This gives you an overview of each subject for each year together with an understanding of the Intent behind all the learning that goes on at Dene Magna.
This is such a powerful tool when it comes to helping you to have a dialogue with your child about their learning. You can see what they are studying, what skills they are developing and how they are being assessed.
The second area we would like you to take a look at is the safeguarding section of the site. This gives a comprehensive overview of our safeguarding and welfare work with students as well as signposting to a range of agencies and websites.
Safeguarding is all our responsibility and the website gives a really clear and detailed overview of what we do at Dene Magna and what support is available to students and families.
The next area is SEND. Here you will you find statutory information, the outline of provisions and the opportunity to meet the team.
Each of these areas is accessible through the first drop-down menu, titled "Our School"
Thank you for taking the time to look at the website. There is so much information on the website beyond what we have mentioned above, and we hope that you find it helpful.