Dress Code
Students and staff at Dene Magna Sixth Form are expected to dress smartly - we represent the school and take our work seriously. While there is no uniform in the Sixth Form, all students who enrol in our community sign an agreement which includes adhering to our dress code:
- Outdoor Jackets and Coats - Outdoor jackets or coats of any description must be taken off during lessons
- Skirts and Dresses - Skirts and dresses should be of a modest length
- Trousers - Smart, tidy trousers should be worn. Whilst denim trousers or jeans are acceptale they must not be ripped or frayed. Tracksuit trousers should not be worn unless as part of a PE activity
- Shirts and Tops - Shirts, blouses and t-shirts must not be revealing (strapless/spaghetti straps; cropped to show off the stomach), low cut or carry offensive slogans
- Shorts - Smart, modest, tailored shorts may be worn
- Shoes and Boots - Footwear should be clean, tidy and of a sensible design. Students cannot wear high heels or platforms. For students, smart trainers are acceptable
- Tights - Tights should be plain and subtle, no stripes, no fish-nets, no deliberate rips or holes
- Hats - No hats to be worn in lessons
- Other Items - Sportswear should only be worn during PE activities. Extreme hair colours and visible tattoos are not acceptable. Piercings should be kept to a minimum - two piercings in each ear and nose piercings are permitted. All other extreme piercings and body modifications (brow, septum, lips, cheek, tongue, ear spacers) are not to be worn when at school
- There may be times when we ask you to dress appropriately for a school event and prior notice will be given. This will include Open Days, where more formal attire may be expected from all students: PSHE Days, which require suitable clothing for practical events and Non-Uniform Days