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Head of Department: Mr S Buckley

Syllabus Title: A Level Geography

Exam Board: OCR

Length of course: 2 years

Entry requirements: GCSE Geography - grade 6 or above and a minimum GCSE grade 5 in English.


A-Level Geography offers students the opportunity to develop a range of sophisticated skills whilst considering a variety of contexts. These contexts impart knowledge and understanding linked to many of the big issues facing human society today such as our finite resources and climate change. The A-Level provides students with an opportunity to consider the physical and human world around us in an in-depth and analytical way, which offers up a wide variety of perspectives. The OCR specification provides a modern take on this traditional academic subject making it relevant for the 21st century.

Topics studied in this course:

Landscape Systems: Glaciated Landscape

Earth's Life Support Systems: Water and Carbon Cycles

Changing Spaces: Making Places

Global Connections: Migration

Geographical Debates: Disease Dilemas

Geographical Debates: Climate Change

Independent Investigation

Coursework and assessment of the course:

Paper 1: Physical Systems - 1.5hrs, 66 marks (22%)
• Coastal landscapes
• Earth's life support systems - water and the carbon cycles

Paper 2: Human Interactions - 1.5hrs, 66 marks (22%)
• Global Connections
• Changing Spaces: Making Places
• Global Migration
• Human Rights

Paper 3: Geographical Debates - 2.5hrs, 108 marks (36%)
• Exploring Oceans
• Disease Dilemmas

Investigative Geography: Independent Investigation - 60 marks (20%)
• Can be linked to any aspect of the specification
• Deepen knowledge and understanding of the chosen subject
• 3,000 - 4,000 words

Post A-Level:

As a degree subject, Geography is highly respected by employers. Geography graduates have one of the highest rates of graduate employment, pursuing a wide range of career paths, such as: cartographer, commercial/residential surveyor, environmental officer, surveyor, and town planner.

What the students say about this course:

“Makes you a well rounded global citizen with an advanced knowledge of the world around you.”

“Geography makes you think about the world around you in a new light.”

“Helps you to appreciate the complex human and natural processes that shape our modern world.”

Specification links