Art and Design Fine Art
Head of Department: Miss M John
Syllabus Title: A-Level Fine Art
Exam Board: AQA
Length of Course: 2 years
Entry Requirements: GCSE Art and Design: GCSE grade 6 or above in Art and GCSE grade 5 in English.
Fine Art offers opportunities to use your creativity to express yourself. You will develop your understanding of creative processes, your ability to observe and to think, to solve problems and to communicate in a visual way.
This course enables you to work independently and to make your own discoveries by exploring ideas, other artists’ work and different materials and techniques. Fine art gives you the skills and knowledge to create personal and imaginative work.
A career opportunity awaits you if you have an adventurous, creative, and enquiring mind and are excited by shaping and determining the visual world around us.
Topics studied in this course:
Personal Projects:
- Production of two bodies of work on chosen topics, from initial research through to a final piece
- Production of large-scale artworks
- Written work to support the projects, documenting experimentation, artist research and design development
Teacher-led workshops:
- Use of various artistic mediums
- Introductions to new creative skills and techniques
- Build on existing knowledge to refine outcomes
Coursework and assessment of the course:
Component 1: Personal Investigation - 96 marks (60%)
Component 2: Externally-Set Assignment - preparatory period plus 15hrs supervised time, 96 marks (40%)
Post A Level:

Students who study Art and Design at A-Level may go on to study a related degree, for example in Fine Art, Illustration, Photography or Graphic Design. A qualification in Art and Design can lead into numerous fields of employment such as architecture, art direction, arts therapy, curation or set design - in addition to becoming a ‘traditional’ artist.
This course will also provide students with valuable transferable skills like researching and refining ideas.
What the students say about this course:
“I enjoy having the opportunity to do something creative”
“My teachers are passionate and knowledgeable”
Specification links